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Definition of Etiquette & Protocol
What is Etiquette & Protocol?
Etiquette is the art of composing manners. It is also the
answer for all the “WH” questions. What to do, when to do
it, how to do it, which action do you have to do, where is
it to be done, why you will do it, and to whom it will be
Etiquette is to do or say, what you want without others
fishing you doing something wrong. It is the science to
speak and act tactfully.
Protocol is a Greek word. It is the process of gluing
between cultures. Protocol is where you learn the dos and
taboos of each culture. In protocol studies, you are exposed
to cultures, civilizations and religions; all what affects
the attitude and behaviors of people.
Etiquette is divided into business and social etiquette. In
“Business Etiquette”, people are trained to wear the mask of
professionalism professionally. It is to create one
professional floor for all to stand on, in the business
market and to establish, one professional language to speak,
as to reach uniformity of performance.
“Social Etiquette” is implement human rules, as to learn how
not to step on the toes of others. It is the art of “how to
avoid scratching humanity of others”. In “Social Etiquette”
you learn how to live in PEACE and to keep long term
relations, by changing your self and do not think to change
others. It is not only to learn bettering your self and
accepting it, but also accepting others and getting the best
out of them, without coming under the skin of others.
When you are exposed to cultures in the Science of Protocol,
you will be able to implement the “Business Etiquette and
Social Etiquette” rules, as they are logically implemented,
as to be able to add life to year and not year to life. You
will find it then better to work on making your dreams come
true, and you will find that sky is the limit of your
“Business Etiquette & Social Etiquette”, are real Islam
Learning and Arab Customers and traditions. “Business
Etiquette & Social Etiquette” is life philosophy with human
In “Social Etiquette” for example we ask juniors (daughters
and sons) to respect their parents; isn’t it Islam "
وبالوالدين احسانا" "ولا تقل لهما أفا و لا تنهرهما" "وقل لهما
قولا كريما" "وأخفض لهما جناح الزل من الرحمة" "و أرحمهما كما
ربيانى صغيرا" "و صاحبهما فى الدنيا معروفا"
In “Social Etiquette” we also advice parents to treat their children decently and for adults to respect juniors, as it is a chain reaction, philosophically it is considered an expanded relation and not a possessive
ان أولادنا بمجرد
أمتداد و ليس بملك. ان الله سبحانه و تعالى أنعم علينا
بأولادنا لأن هناك آخرون حرموا منهم. فلزلك علينا الحفاظ على
نعمه الله سبحانه و تعالى و عدم أهدار نعمته بالقهر و الضرب و
التقصيرو الأهانه. على الأم و الأب أن يربوا أنفسهم و يقوموها
قبل الأقدام على تربية أولادهم-لو أستطاع الآباء و الأمهات أن
يجعلوا من نفسهم أولا قدوه فبالتبعية سوف يتبعهم الأبناء-أخفض
من صوتك "فان أنكر الأصوات لصوت الحمير" هكزا يوصينا و يأمرنا
المولى عز و جل فى كتابه الكريم- فلو فعلت سوف يفعا أولادك. "و
لكل أمرء ما نوى" هزا هو الأسلام- فلو نويت الخير لأولادك فهزه
النيه مدخرة و سوف تولد الخير فى نفوس أولادك. لو أتقيت الله
فى الكبائر الأربعة و هم "الشرك بالله" و "عقوق الوالدين" "وقزف
المحصنات" "وترك الصلاة" سوف يتبعك أولادك و ينعم عليك بزية
صالحة بأزن الله.
People believed that Etiquette is of an American Origin, but
actually it is Islam, and it is also the Arab Traditions.
In “Business Etiquette”, professionals are asked to be
punctual and to speak digital informative language, this is
also Islam, as in Islam; Prayers are five, child is cut off
from his mother’s breast feeding after a couple of years,
heritage is mentioned in Islam in digits as well as ZAKAT
(percentage of money paid from Rich to Poor” from any
personal savings, after a year time). This means that Islam
is the first and only religion which speaks in a digital
informative language, and this is what we advice
professionals in the business market to do.
In “Business Etiquette of Customer Care” when we train
nurses at hospitals or Cabin attendants on board, or
customer service staff; either at the airport or hospitals;
“A,B,C” customer care is
حين عفى الله سبحانه و تعالى المسافر
و المريض من الصيام و قال تعالى "وعدة من أيام أخر" و أستحب
الله أن يستعمل المسلم المسافر رخصه فى القصر و الجمع فى
الصلاة فى أول ثلاث أيام سفر- فكيف يتسامح الله عز و جل فى
فروضه و أركانه و يتهاون أهل الأرض بالتجاهل و أستعمال القسوة
و العنف مع المسافر فى المطارات والمستشفيات.
This is simple examples to know what is “Etiquette”; it is not just table manners, it is not only fashion, we cannot say it is a “Cat Walk”, it is a deep subject, it is human relations, ethics, religion, cultures, civilization, consideration to others, it is respect, peace and love.
التعامل بالمودة و الرحمة كما يأمرنا الله سبحانه و تعالى