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Etiquette is a Passage to Professional Presentation

• Presentation Skills is not only used in business
• Presentation Skills is also used in personal life
• Presentation Skills, is a way, where you present your needs, request, idea, suggestion, business or personal
• Presentation Skills, are used, as to appetite, people to listen, and act, upon your needs
• Presentation Skills, is to get things done, as per your request, to keep you satisfied
• Presentation Skills, is to be a concept of life

Q1: Where can I use my presentation skills, where is it to be functioned?
A1: At work, with your customer, or a manager in a business board meeting, or employee, with his boss, or with your business vendors etc.
Not only this, but a wife, with her husband, asking for more money, or kids, with their parents, or people at a supper market, women at the hair dresser, etc. – it is your civilized life style in presenting your thoughts.

Q2: What do I need to give a professional presentation?
A2: Professional Presentation; needs professional preparation. This takes place, before you start your presentation-this is also applicable, even, for a presentation via-phone-might be three minutes phone call.
• Presentation is a mean to communicate your needs, requests, etc. with others.
• Title your presentation, and think, why you need to present this idea, or need, or request or thought
• Time, your presentation, how long will you take time, as not to avoid putting yourself, in a boring zone
• Put your self, guidelines, to cover all your idea
• Time each of these guidelines
• Practice your presentation, before you start-pre-scenario
• Function a positive voice tone, pitches, volume-keep a seen heard words
• Use simple language, upon the level of your recipient
• Avoid negative body language, posture, or facial gestures
• Excuse or schedule time, to give your presentation
• Chose the right time, and the right place for your presentation
• If any visual aids are needed, prepare them
• If no visual aids, use concrete not abstract words
• Chose the appropriate methodology for your presentation, to meet your audience level of learning
• Create interest in your presentation
• Your words, are going to be composed, if your clothes are composed, and you are impeccably groomed

Q3: If I am working as a telesales representative, what etiquette, do I have to follow, in my presentation?
A3: The most important thing, is to excuse the time of the person receiving your call. Will give you now, some bits and tips, for a tele-sales team:
• If you are calling your client, on his/her mobile; as “Am I calling at the right time and the right place” Never, ever, proceed, and shot your tele-sales call- as your client, might be in a meeting, condolence, airport, abroad, sleeping etc.
• If you are calling your client, on his/her fixed land phone, you have to excuse his time, as you know the place; where you are calling him at, as not to appear, like reciting a dialogue
• Some sales representatives, start their calls, with “ Congratulations, you have won with us ………” this is a very naïve start, and your client, will turn aggressive with you
• Introduce then your product, after, giving your client, a timing for your call, and title your sales call
• Schedule with your colleagues, the clients, whom, each will call, as to avoid, giving duplicated calls
• Try to function, your voice elements, not like a robot or a recorded machine sales representative
• Tele-sales team, are to sit, up right, as if you are talking face to face with your client, do not think your body language is invisible via-phone, or that your recipient is having a coma, body talks and body reveals
• Before giving your sales visit call, be always ready, with different scripts and scenarios, never, work with one, with all your clients, as your clients are different, one, might be visual, other might be auditory, and might another sounds feeling, some, might be analytical, etc.

Q4: You said, that presentation, is also used in personal, not only in business; this means, that if I am asking my husband, for extra money, so will I be going through the sequence of the presentation skills, as well?
A4: Yes sure, it will be the same, and will provide you, with a sample dialogue:

Wife: Sweet heart, need 15 minutes of your time, to take to you, today, or maximum, by tomorrow.
Husband: For what, I am busy, is it that urgent
Wife: Urgent for me, always to talk with you, love the time, spent with you
Husband: So you can speak out now, proceed, go ahead
Wife: Love always, your understanding to matters, that is why, want to ask, for X-amount of money; for the following (mention your need) and actually, requested this amount of X-Money, after scanning the market, and found different pricing in X-Y-Z shops, so found it more qualitative and with reasonable price at Shop X.
Wife Continues: Want also to mention, why this matter is needed, as it will save time, effort, etc. or I had it missing and need for example to complete an attire in and out fit, for a certain coming occasion.
Husband; will sure get convinced, as you mentioned, directly your need, the reason for this need, showed also empathy and sympathy, by exerting effort in scanning the market, to find the most qualitative and quantitative object, and all these reflects, that you do not extra money, for just the desire but for a real need. Also you started with sweet warm words, and did not give any accusation in the middle, and no usage for any tough in-human wording

Q5: Please give me, some ground rules, for positive effective presentation, with my kids, want them to be obedient?
A5: Best presentation is driven through a model and ideal presenter-practice what you preach to your child, as first to gain trust
• While presenting an idea to your child, never demonstrate authority, or show that you are proving right or wrong, and never blame him/her through your presentation to an idea, or a solution
• In your presentation, chose, change of experience style, where you will not turn to be an advisor, or a God like figure, you are just there to present an idea or solution
• During your presentation to your child, give him a room, to ask, explain, and discuss, do not order, avoid a one way presentation with your child
• Present with your child, as an adult and matured
• Speak in your presentation softly, warmly, avoid threatening presentation with your child
• The way you present is the same way you are received and obeyed, it is a chain reaction

So presentation is a life style, it is your personal concept in presenting and projecting your attitude. It reflects either you are civilized, or you are having a hooligan not a human style.

Presentation is not only a tool used in business field, but it is every day tool, to communicate, interact and deal peacefully and understandingly.


Public Carnival

March 4th, 2015

Social Etiquette Seminar


Training Acheived

April 6th, 2015

Customer Service Etiquette for Wealth Customer


Posted Videos

October 18th, 2012

Check the Media Video Section for Newly Posted Episode


Press Release

July 15th, 2010

What Women Want magazine and Washwasha New Additions

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